rounds app
training log book
We also offer additional hardware options!
If you are looking for a dedicated hardware system that provides the same feature set as our Mobile Reporting Application, look at some of our other hardware options below! These provide the same reporting features (proof of presence, timekeeping, cloud reporting platform, alarms and notifications, asset management, and more) without the digital interface. You will not be able to fill out inspection forms on these devices, meaning that users will still have to complete their inspections on paper. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, but both can also help streamline and ensure that inspections are occurring when they are meant to be completed! If you are looking for a dedicated hardware system that provides the same feature set as our Mobile Reporting Application, look at some of our other hardware options below! These provide the same reporting features (proof of presence, timekeeping, cloud reporting platform, alarms and notifications, asset management, and more) without the digital interface. You will not be able to fill out inspection forms on these devices, meaning that users will still have to complete their inspections on paper. Both platforms have their strengths and weaknesses, but both can also help streamline and ensure that inspections are occurring when they are meant to be completed! |